To reach a Keesal, Young & Logan office location, please use the contact information below. If you are trying to reach an individual, please visit the Professionals page and click on the person’s name. You may also send general inquiries by email to: For maritime or environmental emergencies please call our 24-hour emergency response number (562) 719-4173.
Long Beach
The Waterfront at Catalina Landing
310 Golden Shore, Suite 400
Long Beach, CA 90802
Phone: (562) 436-2000
Fax: (562) 436-7416
About This Office
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3100
Seattle, Washington 98101
Phone: (206) 622-3790
Fax: (206) 343-9529
About This Office
San Francisco
578 Jackson Street
San Francisco, California 94133
Phone: (415) 398-6000
Fax: (415) 981-0136
About This Office
101 E. 9th Avenue, Suite 7A
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3651
Phone: (907) 279-9696
Fax: (562) 436-7416
About This Office
Hong Kong
In association with the Law Offices of
Roy Ian Delbyck
Room 929 Star House, 3 Salisbury Road,
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2810-5777
Fax: (852) 2810-5288